Tuesday, November 25, 2014

DIY - Worry Dolls Wall Art

It's always special when a friend thinks of you while away.  After coming back from one of her trips, my friend Maria got me a bunch of Worry Dolls as a little gift.  I loved the little dolls, they were all handmade and cute.  Plus the legend behind it is so sweet, and also a little creepy, which makes me like them even more.

So... I created a simple wall art with the Worry Dolls.  It's hanging on the entrance of our bedroom door.  Maybe from there they can still take our worries away while we are asleep.

All you need for this DIY is some Worry Dolls, a hot glue gun, a canvas frame. If you want to add a personal touch you can use a paint marker.

First I arranged the dolls in the middle of the canvas frame.  Once I had them in the position I wanted, I used hot glue to atatch them in place.  Then I used the paint marker to write, "I will take your sorrows I will take your worries" again, and again, and again on the top and bottom parts of the frame.

Anyone can do this. You can even team up with the kiddos for this one. It would be pretty fun!

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